Beginning August 1, 2024, ALL RENTALS must be returned by 4:00 PM (Daily and/or Multi-Use) - After Labor Day, Our Shop Will Be Open from 9:00-5:00 - We Will Be CLOSED on Tuesdays Beginning the Week of September 8, 2024!

About Us

Peter & Jill York, Owners

The Bar Harbor Bicycle Shop is owned by Peter and Jill York. Peter & Jill have owned a home in Bar Harbor since 2006 and raised their 2 sons in Maine in the summers! Now as their sons’ have grown into adulthood, Peter and Jill spend the majority of their time in Bar Harbor. Peter grew up in the Bath / Brunswick area of Maine until he was 14 and then moved away (Ohio). Peter’s a 5th generation to live in Bar Harbor as his mother and grandparents grew up in Bar Harbor. Jill is an Ohioan who has been captured by coastal Maine!

Peter & Jill are passionate outdoor enthusiasts. They enjoy biking (naturally), hiking, kayaking, running, biking, walking their black labs, swimming, and more biking! These two are active virtually every day. Peter is a competitive triathlete and has spent hours behind the handlebars on the roads and trails around Downeast Maine. Jill is non-stop energy and is doing something active every day. Don’t hesitate to ask them about what to do in Acadia; it’s likely they have done it.

The Bar Harbor Bicycle Shop was founded in 1978 by Joe & Al Minutola. The brothers operated the shop at its current location and built a stellar reputation for selling fine bicycles, terrific service, and a welcoming attitude for all to enjoy biking. Prior to 1978, there was a bicycle shop at the same location dating to 1962. Multiple generations of locals and visitors have enjoyed special memories of Acadia with the help of the Bar Harbor Bicycle Shop.


For more information or questions, please contact

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